Monday, April 8, 2013

Change Your Story

One day while watching motivational speaker Tony Robbins, I heard him mention a concept that sparked my interest. He talked about the stories that we tell ourselves. I found it interesting, but I wasn’t completely clear on it, so it didn’t really stick. Then, about a month ago I went to an intense personal development experience that took place over a weekend. We spent almost twelve hours each day really digging deep inside of our ourselves to identify what barriers were holding us back from where we truly wanted to be in our lives.

One of the main things that stood out to me in this seminar what that they brought up this concept about stories again. This time it stuck. The basic idea is that when something happens in our life, instead of looking at it for what it is…something that happened, we attach our interpretation or story to it. The problem occurs when that story that we created, which is not the truth, becomes our reality. 

Let me share my story with you….

Here is what happened: My mother and father got a divorce. My father moved away.

Here is the story that I created: If my father left, he must not love me.

Here is how that story affected my life when I allowed it to become my reality: If my father can leave me, anyone else can leave me, so when it comes to relationships let me leave them before they leave me, or hurt them before they hurt me.

All that actually happened was that my parents got a divorce and my father moved away. Everything else that I created was not the truth, yet I allowed it to become my reality and as a result my relationships and the quality of my life has suffered…until that weekend last month when I finally woke up and saw myself clearly for the first time. And finally…I was able to let that story go. I wrote my father a letter asking for his forgiveness and letting him know that I love him and that he is a great father. I’ve never told him that he was a great father before.

I wrote letters and had discussions with the last two men that I had a relationship with, taking responsibility for the role that I played in the challenges that occurred in those relationships. I also asked for their forgiveness.

And now…I am free.

Free to live, to love, to laugh, to enjoy and experience life to the fullest!

What is your story?

Let it go so you can live.

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