Monday, February 11, 2013


Do you remember what life was like before Facebook and Twitter? Before Myspace? Before Yahoo Messenger?  When was the last time you had a deep meaningful conversation on a land line phone or face to face? Technology is absolutely amazing. It connects us with people all over the world. I have had conversations and interactions with some of my favorite authors, actors and other celebrities that I never thought I would have had the pleasure to meet. But eventually there came a time where I experienced social media sensory overload…and I’m not sure if you noticed or not, but for three months, I unplugged from the matrix.

For those three months I lived in real life…not in a virtual reality. I had many face to face interactions and conversations. I was far more productive. I took time to think, reflect, pray, travel and experience life…in real life.  I got so much accomplished. I came out of mental cloudiness and now I feel mental clarity.

I’m back online now, but only for 5 minutes or less per day if that. Just like food when we are trying to live a healthy lifestyle, it’s all about moderation.

Don’t let the computer, the television, or your smart phone be your life. These things can be a dangerous addiction just like any other. Go for a walk, breathe in some fresh air, smell a flower, hug a friend, write a hand written letter or thank you card and mail it via snail mail…

What are you spending too much time doing that isn’t necessarily adding value to your life?  What do you engage in daily that distracts you from handling business or being focused on your personal or professional goals? This week I encourage you to Live Life…unplugged.

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